What’s happening in your world? Update us on your latest news, promotions, career changes, or any other life events you want to share with your Harvard community. Your submissions will be reviewed and posted in the feed below.
Isabel Jimenez, 2002
Hello! My name is Isabel Jiménez. I am from Cali, Colombia S.A, but I have been living in Bogota for most of my life after living in other Countries (Switzerland, Germany, France, USA and Peru) before getting married and establishing finally in Bogotá. I attended the Harvard Extension School on Sept 2001 and I had a Certificate on Special Studies in “Administration and Management.” Years later I also did a Summer Program with Project Zero, in Education. Another nice and excellent experience, but much shorter… Both experiences were great! Here in Bogota, Colombia I started my Lovely project in preeschool Education with kids from 1-5 years old! Jardín Infantil Pelota de Letras is my kínder garden! Almost 400 alumni in more than 62 different School in Bogota and working with projects, rotating through different spaces, sports and music are our importante strategies to educate Children! I had a great learning experience with project zero. Ive had a Nice recognition in Bogota’s Council, I have participated In a conferencia with “Secretaria de Educacion de Bogota” I have been very proud of my work in my country, not only with small kids, but with their families!!! Proud to be Colombian and proud of studying at Harvard University!!
Guy Futi, ALM in International Relations, 2019
I am happy to announce that I’ve matriculated (been accepted) in the DPhil/Ph.D. program at the School of Global and Area Studies at the University of Oxford. I owe this accomplishment to the strength of the faculty at Harvard Extension. Special mention to Professor Asher Orkaby and Professor Colin Brown who not only encouraged me to pursue my dreams but most importantly supported my endeavors. The Masters of Liberal Arts in Extension Studies, International Relations truly prepared me for the transition from the private sector to academia.
Charles Moore, ALM in Museum Studies, 2019
I recently started a doctorate in art education and museum studies at Columbia University’s Teachers College. I began writing about the economics of contemporary art and artists for various publications: www.charlessmoore.com/articles BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY: I also published a book on art collecting.
Andrews Agbleke, Management, 2019
Last year was the 10th anniversary of Sena Institute of Technology, a research center that I co-founded in Ghana. During the last 7 years at Harvard, we have transformed this idea into a quarter million dollar project. The institute now has three laboratories, a library that is open to the community and an Art Center. Our key projects involve high school and undergraduate training programs; research in bacteriology and microscopy; developing a 3D printed prosthetic; and building e-herbarium database of plants used in Ghana. During my HES studies, I have also founded a platform startup, TalkCoast, to connect research processionals to under-served colleges especially in developing countries. Finally, this year we have partnered with the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology to organize its first conference in Africa in Ghana on “Imaging Cellular and Chromosome Dynamics”. My passion is to develop research capacity in emerging countries especially in Africa.
Doug Holder, ALM, 1997
Doug Holder’s new collection of poetry has been released by Big Table Publishing of San Francisco “The Essential Doug Holder: New and Selected Poems.” He recently judged the Frank O’Hara Award for the Worcester Poetry Association, and continues to teach at Endicott College. The ” Doug Holder Papers Collection” is in process at the University at Buffalo.
Emerald Bowman, Non-Profit Management, 2020
I am Emerald P. Bowman, a native and current resident of Winston-Salem, NC! I am employed with the City of Winston-Salem, NC Recreation & Parks Department as the Sr. Special Projects Manager. My key work items are focused on partnerships, sponsorship/grants, special events and community engagement with citizens of varied backgrounds. This semester will complete my certificate program in Non-Profit Management! While enrolled, I’ve successfully solidified sponsorships and grants totaling close to $200,000 in a six (6) month time frame. Upon completion, I envision making the rest of my career in either higher education, development, or back in the world of professional sports with a focus on foundations.
Henry Piel, ALB, 2006
Henry W. Piel (AA ’01, ALB ’06) recently took a position as Executive Director, Clinical Quality Assurance at AMAG Pharmaceuticals, Inc. in Waltham, MA. AMAG is a specialty pharmaceutical company focusing on Women’s Health and Hematology products; both commercial and in development.
Caroline Kipp, ALM, 2018
The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum welcomes Caroline Kipp as the new curator of contemporary art! In this role, she will lead the museum’s contemporary art exhibitions and programs, and grow the contemporary collection. Kipp comes to the position from the Department of Contemporary Art at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, where she organized the Jack Bush: Radiant Abstraction installation, and contributed to Cecilia Vicuna: Disappeared Quipu. Previously, she worked in the MFA Boston’s Textile and Fashion Arts Department. She holds a master’s in museum studies from Harvard University Extension School, and her position is made possible by a grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
Vinay Kumar, ALM Management, 2018
I recently completed my ALM in Management at the Harvard Extension School. Upon graduating, I joined KPMG Advisory as a Management Consultant in their New York City office.
Ivan Schneider, ALM, 2012
For several years, I’ve had the idea for a writing project that’s just become a reality. My 97-year-old father grew up in a family of poor and hungry Jewish immigrants during the Great Depression. He dropped out of high school, hitchhiked around the country, and then joined the merchant marine starting at the lowest job in the engine room. During WWII, he survived being twice torpedoed and the London Blitz, and then spent 23 years traveling the world as a ship’s officer rising to the rank of master mariner before meeting my mother and starting a family on dry land. Based on a series of revealing interviews, we have just published “LEON: A LIFE. The True Stories of Captain Leon H Schneider” (Old Convincer Publishing, 2019), a memoir telling the incredible, raunchy, and poignant stories of an adventurous life. Order from your favorite bookseller or order directly from OldConvincer.com. As this is a self-published DIY venture, any support (e.g. online reviews, social shares, helpful advice) from the Harvard Extension community would be greatly appreciated.
Mary Kevorkian Rogers, ABE, 1965
Submitted by Joel C. W. Rogers Died: “Mary Kevorkian Rogers”, class of 1965 Harvard Extension Program, 28 February 2019, presumably of complications from Alzheimer’s Disease. Mary was born Mary F. Kevorkian in Watertown MA in 1939. She retained that name until her marriage to Joel Rogers in 1960, after which she was known as “Mary Kevorkian Rogers”, her name while at Harvard. Mary went to Simmons College for three years, and in 1962 commenced her education in the Harvard Extension Program, from which she graduated in 1965. After Harvard, Mary lived variously in the Lehigh Valley in PA, in Silver Spring MD, and in Baldwin NY. She had a career, beyond her 4 children, as a teacher of ESL and English in MD and NY. In 1992 she divorced her first husband, after which she reverted to her original maiden name, which she retained until her marriage in 1995 to A. Kadir Aziz. After that she was known as “Mary Kevorkian Aziz”. After her divorce from her first husband, Mary returned to her base in the Washington DC suburbs, where she lived for the remainder of her life. She is survived by her brother, Charles Kevorkian, of Watertown MA, and her sister Jane Wingate of Farmington NH. She also leaves her daughters, Elizabeth Zangwill and Marceline Rogers, both of Bethesda MD, her son Philip Rogers of Oak Park IL, and her son Thomas Rogers of Brooklyn NY, as well as 7 grandchildren.
Rivka Sara Gorban, ALB, 2011
I recently founded a medical device company in Israel with two close friends (one of whom was my roommate in Cambridge, while I was at Harvard). The company, NATAN Labs Ltd., is developing a POC hemoglobin a1c test. I am also now married to a man I met in Israel.
Ram Dhan Yadav Katamaraja, ALM Management, 2010
I am Founder and CEO of Colaberry Inc. Recently I participated in a global challenge by MIT SOLVE https://solve.mit.edu in the category of ‘Work of the future’. Our solution won multiple awards in this global competition where more than 1100 solutions from 110 countries participated. Please find detailed info here.
Gerardo Castaneda, ALM, Information Management, 2018
I run a 400+ IT organization as the VP of IT for a Fortune 5 company. The knowledge I gained with HES has positioned me for success. Senior Management loves the fact that “I get the business”, and technical staff love the fact that I can speak their language and push their boundaries. Thank you HES!!!